The main basis of edible products is that they have fat that has been infused with THC and CBD. This means that any product that contains any fat can be converted into a cannabis edible. Nowadays because of progress in infusion methods, there are many choices of edible products with cannabis such as cookies, candies, gummies, brownies, and other baked goods, butter, oil, chocolate, chips, sodas, and many others. Cannabis can also be turned into powder or capsules and consumed with some favorite food and drinks.
Products that contain marijuana usually have long-term, strong, and calming effects on the mind and body. But after eating such food negative symptoms can also appear, and this, of course, is very unpleasant. That’s why you should know the main facts about edible cannabis products.
The correct dosage of cannabis edibles.
Each person has unique physiological characteristics and, for example, any medical act is different for each person. In addition, the response to the concentration of edible marijuana is different, and even more different from the response to other medications. Why is this happening?
Several factors can be noted:
- experience of marijuana use
- gastrointestinal system
- sensitivity of the endocannabinoid system
About 3% of people are very sensitive to THC and tolerate very low concentrations (eg 1 mg) well.
Moving to a very high concentration (over 100 mg) dramatically increases the risk of negative effects from marijuana use. Vomiting, paranoia, and other unpleasant symptoms may begin.
A reasonable dose of cannabis products.
The ideal dosage of edible products with cannabis depends on many factors, including the person’s experience and the individual characteristics of the organism. Below are the basic guidelines for choosing a reasonable amount of THC, which is measured in milligrams (mg).
• 1-2.5 mg THC
Provides easy relief from pain, stress, and anxiety; increases focus and creativity.
Suitable for first-time cannabis consumers or regular consumers who need micro-doses.
• 2.5-15 mg THC
Provides euphoria, stronger pain relief, lowers anxiety, and impaired coordination.
Suitable for entertainment purposes; persistent symptoms that are not eliminated by lower doses; people with insomnia.
• 30-50 mg THC
Provides strong euphoria; coordination is severely impaired.
Suitable for people with a high THC tolerance; people are physiologically poorly absorbing cannabinoids.
• 50-100 mg THC
Provides a serious impairment of coordination and perception; nausea, pain, and heart palpitations.
Suitable for experienced consumers with a high tolerance to THC, patients with inflammatory diseases, cancer, and other serious diseases.

Consideration should be given to the timing of the first and subsequent doses of cannabis.
The main mistake when consuming cannabis edibles is that a person does not feel the effect of taking it an hour later and decides to take another dose, and after that, he experiences the unpleasant sensations of excessive use.