Many people using marijuana want to grow their own beautiful cannabis plants. And they are allowed to do this. But it’s very important to know how and where because some actions can be illegal. Below you can read the main rules about growing cannabis in Spain.
How much weed can be grown in Spain? You can legally plant two marijuana plants. The plant must be for personal use and be grown on the private territory of the grower. But in a such way that it cannot be seen by the public. It is recommended to be watchful if you want to have more plants as anyone in the neighborhood can call the police. So then you will be obliged to prove that only you are using it and using it only at home or at a social club.
Spanish laws, in particular marijuana laws, are based on the principle “what is not prohibited is permitted”. Spain is one of the European countries with the least stringent legislation on the cultivation, consumption, and distribution of marijuana.
Where can you grow and buy cannabis?
Main aspects of Spanish marijuana law: you can’t sell or buy weed, hashish, and other THC products, you can’t smoke cannabis in public, and you can’t grow more than 2 marijuana plants at home. These are the most important things you need to know about growing cannabis in Spain. Here severe penalties are applied to distributors with a big amount of stuff or to repeat offenders. This may not be the basis for a prison but you will not be left without a fine. The police do not pay much attention to people with a small amount of weed. They have enough serious cases that require more attention.
If you want to find and try some marijuana and not worry about anything, you can become a member of a social club (coffeeshop). You can make a donation and smoke weed inside the club. Also, people are allowed to buy cannabis seeds in Spain. According to the statistics of 2020, there are more than a thousand weed shops and grow shops throughout the country with souvenirs, smoking devices, bubblers, CBD products, and various equipment for cultivation. There you may also buy hemp seeds, but you can’t buy cannabis in such shops.